Export to Figma - Demo Video

How to Export your Pattern to Figma:

You can export your pattern to Figma within seconds.


Generate a Pattern and click the 'Export' button in the top right.


Copy the 'layerId'.


Download the Magic Patterns Figma Plugin.


Within Figma, run the Plugin.


Copy paste in the 'layerId' and click 'import.' In the center of the file, you should see your generation with Figma.

Generating UI directly in Figma

More powerful and faster Figma integrations, such as our plugin to generate UI directly in Figma, are available on our Growth and Enterprise plans. Please contact us to learn more. This section covered exporting a generation into Figma, which is free.

You can contact our team at founders@magicpatterns.com or schedule a call. We are excited to meet you.